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Proximity-Based IP Addresses: Inspired by Quantum Entanglement for a Zero Trust World


Today, conventional methods for managing IP addresses and network resources have become outdated and vulnerable. The architecture we rely on today is like leaving a door slightly ajar; even when locked, its mere existence invites attackers to try their luck. But what if we could rethink the system entirely? What if we could make network resources virtually invisible, like ghost IPs, until an authenticated connection is established? This would render them invisible to any unauthorized entity, closing off any potential attack surface.

Proximity-based IP addresses: This concept draws inspiration from Quantum Entanglement, in which two particles are so deeply linked that one cannot be understood without the other.

  • Invisible by default: An IP address doesn’t exist until a specific, validated relationship or connection is established.
  • No exposure, no attack surface: If the connection isn’t formed, the IP remains hidden, making it impossible for attackers to scan or exploit it.

How It Works

Imagine a world where network resources only become visible under the right conditions, akin to how quantum particles reveal their states only when observed together. This approach would function as follows:

  1. Dynamic Visibility: The IP address remains invisible, even to scanners, until a specific cryptographic key or identity is authenticated. In this way, the IP “resolves” or becomes visible only when paired with a valid entity, much like entangled quantum particles.
  2. Quantum-Like Pairing: Just as two quantum particles are intrinsically linked across vast distances, proximity IPs would establish an invisible, dynamic relationship between users/devices and resources. This connection would be context-specific and impervious to any outside scrutiny.
  3. Zero Trust Integration: This model aligns perfectly with the Zero Trust framework, where no entity or action is trusted by default. Every access request is validated and authenticated based on specific relationships before any resource access is granted.

Why It’s Important

This innovative concept could redefine the landscape of cybersecurity, offering:

  • Impenetrable by Scanning: With proximity-based IPs, resources don’t show up on the network unless a valid connection is made. Hackers can’t exploit what they can’t find.
  • Enhanced Security: This system isn’t just an added layer of encryption or access control—it fundamentally reduces the attack surface by ensuring that unauthorized users can never see network resources.
  • Risk Minimization: Even if an attacker launches a scan or tries to exploit vulnerabilities, all they would encounter is an invisible network—no data, no targets.

Real-World Examples

  • Government Systems: Imagine a world where sensitive governmental resources are entirely invisible unless the right user or device is authenticated and in the proper context, ensuring complete confidentiality.
  • Healthcare Networks: Devices and data in healthcare settings could be invisible unless paired with a legitimate medical professional’s credentials, reducing the risk of cyberattacks targeting vulnerable health systems.
  • Zero Trust Architectures: Proximity IPs fit seamlessly into a Zero Trust environment, where every interaction must prove its legitimacy, making unauthorized access nearly impossible.

How It Differs from Current Systems

Visibility vs. Existence

  • Current Systems: Traditional security models rely on firewalls, access control lists (ACLs), and network segmentation to block unauthorized access. While effective, these systems still leave resources exposed to attackers who can scan or probe the network for vulnerabilities.
  • Proximity-Based IPs: Here, resources simply don’t exist on the network unless paired with the correct credentials. This approach goes beyond hiding resources; it makes them dynamically nonexistent, completely removing the attack surface.

Dynamic Pairing Inspired by Quantum Entanglement

  • Current Systems: Authentication and access control today are static and predefined, based on certificates or access lists. While secure, they don’t evolve dynamically based on real-time conditions.
  • Proximity-Based IPs: Like quantum entanglement, this system would create a dynamic, real-time relationship between entities (an IP address and its associated credentials). These relationships evolve as context changes, offering a more adaptable and secure access control mechanism.

Reduction of Attack Surfaces

  • Current Systems: Attackers often exploit exposed resources by scanning the network, brute-forcing credentials, or using known exploits to breach systems.
  • Proximity-Based IPs: By ensuring that IP addresses and resources are entirely invisible unless validated, attackers have no opportunity to exploit them. The network is “empty” to anyone without proper credentials.

Why This Deserves More Research

A New Security Paradigm

This concept represents more than just a tweak to existing systems. It offers a complete rethinking of how we manage network resources and authentication, potentially establishing an entirely new paradigm for cybersecurity.

Applicability Across Industries

  • Government and Defense: Sensitive systems, such as classified networks or military assets, could remain invisible to unauthorized actors, reducing the risk of espionage or cyber warfare.
  • Healthcare: Medical devices, patient records, and other sensitive health data could remain securely hidden from unauthorized access, protecting the integrity of healthcare networks.
  • IoT Devices: With billions of connected devices, proximity-based IPs would protect IoT devices by ensuring they’re invisible to external threats unless an authenticated connection is established.

Integration with Quantum Computing

As quantum technologies progress, integrating quantum-inspired concepts like proximity-based IP addresses could revolutionize network architecture. These ideas could serve as the foundation for future systems that make use of quantum cryptography and quantum computing principles.

Challenges and Next Steps

While the promise of proximity-based IP addresses is significant, building this system at scale will present challenges. New cryptographic standards and protocols would need to be developed to support real-time dynamic validation of access requests. Performance optimization would also be crucial, as each access request could require time-consuming validation. However, the potential benefits—creating a more secure and resilient internet where resources only exist for the authorized—could fundamentally change the way cybersecurity is approached.

Mathematical Model for Proximity-Based IPs

To formalize the concept, we can model proximity-based IP addresses mathematically, considering the interaction between credentials, IP addresses, and the “entanglement” between them. Below is a simplified framework:

  • Identity Pairing Equation
    • Let:
      • IPi = IP address of a resource
      • Cj = Credentials or identity of a user or device
      • Pij = Dynamic pairing function
    • The pairing function f(IPi,Cj)  returns:
      • 1 if paired correctly (valid entanglement),
      • 0 if not paired.


  • Dynamic Existence Equation
    • The IP address IPi exists only if the pairing is valid:

                  Ei={1 if Pij=1

  • Entanglement Model
    • The entanglement function models the relationship between the IP and credentials, with γ representing the strength of the entanglement:

    Qij=γ⋅Pij Where γ is a constant that reflects the level of encryption or trust.

  • Access Control Equation
    • Access to the IP is granted only if the entanglement condition is met:

                Aij={1 if Qij=1  and the user has valid access rights

Putting It Together

The system follows this series of steps:

  • Verify the pairing between credentials and IP: Pij=f(IPi, Cj)
  • Check if the IP exists dynamically: Ei=1
  • Evaluate the entanglement condition: Qij=γ⋅Pij
  • Grant access only if entanglement is valid and user access rights are verified: Aij=1

By employing this mathematical framework, proximity-based IPs ensure that resources only become visible to authenticated users under the right conditions, fundamentally transforming cybersecurity practices for a zero-trust world.

Entanglement and Subnets in Proximity-Based IPs

In the context of proximity-based IPs, introducing the concept of entanglement creates a cutting-edge approach to network segmentation and security. In quantum mechanics, entanglement describes the phenomenon where two particles become interconnected in such a way that their states are directly linked, regardless of the distance between them. By applying this concept to dynamic subnets, we can build a network that is more than just a series of isolated segments; it becomes a web of interconnected, context-sensitive resources that are only accessible when the correct access credentials are “entangled” with the network.

Quantum Entanglement in Subnet Configuration

Just as quantum entanglement connects the states of particles across distances, entangling subnets means that a user’s access credentials or context are directly linked to specific subnets. When a user is authenticated and granted access to the network, their access is not only to specific resources but also tied to the very structure of the subnet itself, which can change dynamically. If the access credentials or contextual conditions change, the subnet access will also change, or the subnet will no longer be visible or accessible.

How Entangled Subnets Work

  • Entangled Access Control: Each subnet is linked to a unique access credential, creating a dynamic relationship between the user and the resources. This entanglement ensures that access to specific network segments (subnets) is always contingent upon valid, real-time access authentication. If the access credentials or context change—such as the user moving between network zones, or a shift in device trust—the subnet itself would “decouple,” making it invisible to the user.
  • Dynamic Subnet Entanglement: When a user authenticates and is granted access to certain resources, the system entangles their access with specific network segments. If the user’s trustworthiness, location, or other contextual factors shift (e.g., they move to a new location or their device loses its authentication token), the subnet becomes dynamically reconfigured and effectively “detached,” preventing any unauthorized access to the resources.
  • Invisible Subnets in Untrusted States: Without proper authentication, subnets become invisible, just as entangled particles remain unmeasured or unobserved in their unaltered states. For example, if an attacker tries to compromise a device or network, the subnet would appear completely “empty” or inaccessible, since the entangled connection is severed without valid credentials or trust levels. The attacker would be unable to see or interact with the resources within the subnet.

Benefits of Entanglement in Subnet Management

  1. Advanced Network Isolation: By entangling network access and resource visibility, subnets can be dynamically adapted to the user’s authentication state, ensuring that they only have visibility into specific resources when their credentials are entangled with the corresponding subnet. This prevents lateral movement in the network by attackers, as they cannot even “see” subnets that are not entangled with their own credentials.
  2. Quantum-Grade Security: The entanglement concept ensures that resources are tied not just to static credentials but to the specific authentication context of the user. This approach reduces the risk of unauthorized access because an attacker would need the exact entangled credentials to even recognize the subnet’s existence, much less gain access.
  3. Decoupled Access Control: By making subnets dynamically adjustable and entangled with the user’s session, resources can be dynamically shared or hidden based on the real-time needs of the user. For example, as a user moves across different network zones (e.g., from a corporate LAN to a secured Wi-Fi network), their access is re-validated, and the corresponding subnet is “untangled” or “re-entangled” based on their new context, such as their location, device, or job role.
  4. Improved Resistance to Insider Threats: Entangling subnets with authentication credentials means that even legitimate users cannot freely access all subnets once their access context changes. If an insider’s credentials are compromised or misused, the entangled subnet model ensures that access rights are immediately decoupled, preventing an attacker from moving freely across the network.

Why This Matters in Zero Trust Architectures

Incorporating entangled subnets within the Zero Trust framework further strengthens its core principle of “never trust, always verify.” Traditional subnet segmentation relies on access control lists or static IP address management. However, by introducing quantum-like entanglement, subnet access becomes deeply personalized and adaptive to the context of the user’s identity, device, and location.

Real-Time Dynamic Entanglement and Zero Trust

  • Adaptive Isolation: Similar to the dynamic visibility of proximity-based IPs, entangled subnets are only visible and accessible to the user when their authentication context is valid. The network itself dynamically adjusts to the user’s access rights, ensuring that no subnet can be accessed unless explicitly entangled with that user’s credentials.
  • Continuous Validation: The subnet’s entangled relationship with a user’s credentials or context means that any shift in access rights will cause the subnet to reconfigure or become invisible, ensuring that even if an attacker gains initial access to one part of the network, they cannot move to other parts without meeting the same stringent verification criteria.

By integrating entanglement with proximity-based IP addresses and dynamic subnets, organizations can achieve a level of quantum-grade security, where access control is no longer limited to static permissions but is fully dependent on the real-time, context-sensitive relationship between users and network resources. This quantum-like entanglement makes unauthorized access not just difficult, but practically impossible.

Proximity-based IP and subnet design with a mathematical model

To incorporate entanglement into a proximity-based IP and subnet design with a mathematical model, we’ll need to apply concepts from network theory, dynamic subnetting, and quantum principles like entanglement in a conceptual way. This will be a simplified mathematical abstraction, as true quantum entanglement would require actual quantum systems, but we can borrow the underlying ideas of dynamic relationships and conditional interdependencies.

1. Proximity-Based IP Model

In proximity-based IP management, the IP address of a device is dynamically assigned based on its geographical proximity to certain access points or subnets. The key idea is that IP address assignment is dependent on factors such as:

  • Geographic location (e.g., the device’s physical distance from a known access point).
  • Access permissions (the user’s role, credentials, and their authentication level).
  • Device status (e.g., whether the device is trusted, up-to-date with security patches, etc.).

Let’s consider a simplified model for assigning IP address ranges based on proximity and entangled states. For simplicity, assume that:

  • Each subnet is dynamically adjusted based on a contextual distance.
  • Devices are assigned IP addresses within a subnet that is entangled with their authentication status and proximity.

1.1 Mathematical Definition for Proximity-Based IP

Let’s define the mathematical relationships for IP assignment within proximity-based subnets.


  • PAP is the position of the Access Point.
  • PD is the position of the Device.
  •  represent the Euclidean distance between the access point and the device, i.e., d(PAP-PD)=(PAPx−PDx)2+(PAPY-PDY)2
  • R is the maximum allowable distance for a device to connect to a subnet (i.e., the radius within which the device can access the network).

For a device to be assigned an IP in a specific subnet, the condition is:


If the device satisfies this condition, the IP assignment will be valid, and the device is connected to that subnet.

1.2 Conditional Entanglement Based on Authentication

Let’s now add entanglement by factoring in user authentication. A device’s access to an IP range is entangled with its authentication state. For example, let:

  • A is the authentication token of the device (which could depend on factors like time, credentials, and device status).
  • EA is the entangled state of the device (representing the device’s authentication context, such as trust level, device health, or user role).

The entanglement condition can be mathematically defined as:

EA=f(PD, A) where f(PD, A) is the entanglement function based on location and authentication.

For the subnet to be assigned to the device, both proximity and entanglement must hold:

d(PAP,PD)≤R and EA=1 (i.e., authentication is valid)

If both conditions are met, the device can be assigned an IP from the subnet.

2. Entangled Subnet Model

Now, let’s move to the entangled subnet model, where entanglement between the subnet and the user’s authentication state determines subnet accessibility. In this model, each subnet has an entangled relationship with the user’s authentication token or context.

2.1 Subnet Entanglement Function

Let’s define:

  • S as the subnet.
  • U as the user.
  • TU is the user’s trust level (a dynamic measure of how trusted the user is, possibly changing based on factors like location, behavior, or device health).
  • ES is the entanglement state of the subnet, which is based on the user’s trust level and other dynamic factors.

The subnet S is entangled with the user’s state ES, such that:

ES=g(TU) where g(TU) is the function linking user trust to subnet visibility.

For the user U to access subnet S, the entanglement must satisfy:

ES=1 (i.e., the user is authenticated and their trust level meets the threshold for that subnet)

If ES=1, the user can access the subnet. Otherwise, the subnet becomes invisible to the user.

2.2 Dynamic Subnet Reconfiguration

Because the subnet is entangled with the user’s state, the visibility of the subnet can dynamically change as the user’s context changes. For example:

  • If the user’s trust level drops (e.g., due to a detected compromise in their device), the subnet might become invisible.
  • If the user moves into a different geographic area (or a new proximity-based region), the subnet’s entanglement with their new context might change, and the subnet could either appear or disappear based on new conditions.

The dynamic reconfiguration of subnets can be represented as:

S(t)=h(ES(t)) where h(ES(t)) is a function that reconfigures the subnet based on the time-varying entanglement state of the user

3. Quantum-like Entanglement: Mathematical Abstraction

While true quantum entanglement isn’t directly applicable in networking (since quantum entanglement deals with subatomic particles), we can create a mathematical abstraction based on the principles of quantum mechanics. Let’s consider the user and subnet as “particles” in a quantum network where their states are directly linked.

In quantum mechanics, the entangled states ∣ψ⟩| of two particles can be described as:


Where α\alpha and β\beta are complex coefficients that define the quantum state. For the entangled subnet model, we can define the entangled network state as:


This state indicates that the subnet and device are entangled, and their states are dependent on each other. If either the subnet or device state changes (e.g., user authentication or device trust level), the state of the other will also change.

This mathematical model represents the dynamic, interdependent nature of proximity-based IP assignment and subnet visibility, where access to resources depends on both geographic proximity and authentication entanglement.

4. Summary of Mathematical Functions:

  • Proximity-based IP Assignment:d(PAP, PD)≤R and EA=f(PD, A)where the device is assigned an IP if within proximity and authentication is valid.
  • Entangled Subnet Accessibility:ES=g(TU) and ES=1(subnet becomes visible to the user if their trust level satisfies the subnet’s entanglement condition)
  • Dynamic Reconfiguration:S(t)=h(ES(t))(subnet visibility dynamically changes based on user’s entangled state over time)

This model allows us to design adaptive, entangled subnets where access and visibility are conditionally dependent on both geographic factors (proximity) and user authentication (entanglement with trust levels), bringing a quantum-inspired layer of security to traditional networking systems.

Advanced Security Features:

Introduction to Advanced Security Features

As the digital landscape evolves, so must the security measures we employ to protect sensitive information. The proximity-based IP system, initially designed to pair credentials with IP addresses for enhanced privacy, forms a strong foundation. However, in an era of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, relying on a single layer of security is no longer sufficient. To address this, we introduce a series of advanced security features that build upon the system’s core architecture. These enhancements not only fortify the system against a wide range of attacks but also future-proof it against emerging technologies and methodologies.

The following advanced features incorporate cutting-edge cryptographic techniques, machine learning, decentralized validation, and adaptive security protocols, creating a robust, multi-layered defense mechanism. Each feature enhances the proximity-based system by adding new layers of complexity, making unauthorized access nearly impossible while maintaining the system’s integrity and scalability. Together, these advancements represent a new frontier in cybersecurity, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected against both current and future threats.

1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Entanglement Validation

  • Enhancement: Implementing MFA ensures that the entanglement process is not solely reliant on one form of authentication. By requiring multiple factors such as biometrics, device tokens, and PINs, the system ensures that even if one authentication factor is compromised, unauthorized access is prevented.
  • Mathematical Model: Let A be the authentication system. The system accepts access if: where credentiali is a different factor (e.g., biometric, PIN, etc.).

2. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

  • Enhancement: QKD leverages quantum principles to securely exchange keys over untrusted channels, ensuring that no one can intercept or tamper with the key exchange.
  • Mathematical Model: Using QKD, the encryption key K can be distributed as: K=QKD(User, Server) where QKD denotes the quantum key exchange mechanism ensuring that both parties have the same key without it being exposed to any third party.

3. Dynamic Resource Access Control (Time-Dependent Access)

  • Enhancement: Access to the IP is validated not just by credentials but also by time constraints. For example, the pairing may only be valid at certain times or during certain sessions.
  • Mathematical Model: Access={1 if f(time, pairing), here f(time, pairing) checks the pairing against time-based constraints.

4. Geolocation-Based Entanglement

  • Enhancement: Access is granted only if the user’s geolocation matches certain conditions. For example, access may only be allowed from specific geographical regions or network zones.
  • Mathematical Model: Access=f(User, IP, Geolocation) where f ensures that the user’s geolocation matches an authorized zone.

5. AI-Powered Anomaly Detection and Behavioral Analysis

  • Enhancement: AI algorithms monitor user behavior to detect anomalies such as irregular access patterns, new devices, or unexpected times of access. If such anomalies are detected, the system may challenge or block access in real time.
  • Mathematical Model: Behavioral AnalysisAI-powered models analyze historical user behavior to detect deviations and respond accordingly.

6. Decentralized Blockchain Validation

  • Enhancement: Using blockchain technology to decentralize the entanglement validation, the system becomes immutable, ensuring that changes to the credentials or IP pairings are verifiable and tamper-proof.
  • Mathematical Model: Entanglement where the entanglement between credentials and IPs is recorded as a transaction in a decentralized ledger.

7. Advanced Entropy Generation for Pairing

  • Enhancement: To enhance unpredictability, entropy generation using quantum randomness ensures that the pairing values, such as γ, are dynamically generated for each interaction, preventing pattern-based attacks.
  • Mathematical Model: This ensures that each pairing is derived from high-entropy, quantum-generated values, making them resistant to prediction or brute force.

8. Self-Healing Access Control Mechanisms

  • Enhancement: If an anomaly is detected, the system automatically adjusts its security mechanisms, such as resetting keys, changing pairing parameters, or updating access credentials.
  • Mathematical Model: Self-Healing=f(anomaly detection, automatic remediation). The system triggers self-healing functions upon detection of any unauthorized or abnormal access event.

9. Entanglement Redundancy

  • Enhancement: Introduce redundancy by requiring multiple independent validations before revealing an IP address. For instance, an IP address may require both the user’s credentials and a device fingerprint to be valid.
  • Mathematical Model: where f1 and f2 are independent functions verifying credentials and device authenticity.

10. Integration with Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)

  • Enhancement: To future-proof the system against quantum computer attacks, integrate PQC algorithms to ensure that the cryptographic mechanisms used in the entanglement remain secure even in a post-quantum world.
  • Mathematical Model: PQC(f(User Credentials, Key)) The system uses PQC algorithms to ensure that the encryption mechanism remains unbreakable by quantum computers.

11. Turing Completeness in Entanglement Protocols

  • Enhancement: By introducing Turing-complete protocols, the system can perform complex multi-step operations in its validation process, allowing the entanglement mechanism to adapt to multiple conditions beyond simple credential matching.
  • Mathematical Model: Entanglement Function=Turing-Complete(f1,f2,…). The function f can perform any computable function in a secure manner, adding layers of complexity to the entanglement relationship.

12. Real-Time Blockchain Validation for Entanglement States

  • Enhancement: To ensure real-time validation and auditing, the entanglement state is verified and logged in a blockchain in real time, providing transparent, immutable logs of all changes to the system.
  • Mathematical Model: Entanglement=Blockchain Audit(User, IP, Timestamp). Every change in the entanglement state is securely logged and timestamped on the blockchain.

13. Adaptive Security Layers Based on Risk Assessment

  • Enhancement: The system dynamically adjusts security protocols based on real-time risk assessments. If the threat level increases, the system applies more stringent validation and access controls.
  • Mathematical Model: Access control is adaptive and escalates based on ongoing analysis of the risk landscape.


The proximity-based IP address system represents a revolutionary shift in how we manage network security, offering an innovative solution that is both highly adaptable and intrinsically secure. By leveraging quantum-inspired principles, dynamic entanglement between credentials and IP addresses, and the Zero Trust framework, this system fundamentally transforms the way we think about access control. Additionally, the integration of subnet entanglement takes this innovation a step further by applying entangled access control at the subnet level, ensuring that each part of the network is tightly bound to the context of the user or device, thus increasing the resilience and precision of security protocols.

Through the integration of advanced security features, such as multi-layered encryption, machine learning-driven anomaly detection, decentralized validation, adaptive security protocols, and entangled subnets, we further reinforce the system’s resilience against both current and emerging cyber threats. The concept of subnet entanglement adds another layer of flexibility, ensuring that each subnet can dynamically adjust its security measures based on the contextual trust of users, devices, and network conditions. This integration creates a more granular and adaptable security model, where access is continuously validated, and only trusted users or devices can interact with the resources tied to a specific subnet.

As the digital world becomes more interconnected and the sophistication of cyberattacks continues to rise, traditional methods of security will inevitably fall short. The proximity-based IP system, bolstered by these advanced features and dynamic subnet entanglement, offers a forward-thinking approach to cybersecurity, one that minimizes attack surfaces, continuously adapts to the evolving threat landscape, and ensures secure and efficient communication across all levels of the network. By leveraging the combined power of location-awareness, credential validation, and subnet entanglement, this system provides an essential blueprint for the next generation of secure network architectures.

By moving beyond static, perimeter-based defenses and embracing dynamic, context-aware security models, this system paves the way for a safer, more secure internet. Ultimately, it represents a critical step toward achieving a truly zero-trust world where security is woven into every aspect of the network, ensuring that only the right users can access the right resources at the right time, with each subnet dynamically adjusting to match the trust levels of both users and devices.

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